2023 In Review

2023 was a year of trying new things and focused on personal health.

  • Hobbies: I traveled to a convention for the first time. I have working to rekindle a childhood passion, model rocketry, and started this in 2022. I got my Level 1 and 2 high power certifications in 2022, and continued to build more rockets in 2023 and gain more experience with high powered rocket motors and electronics. The convention I attended was a Tripoli Rocketry Association event in Wisconsin, at Richard Bong State Recreation Area, from 7/6-7/9

  • I started working out again. I joined a local gym in December 2022, and started going regularly in early 2023. I hired a personal trainer to help with consistency and programming in April, and continue to meet with him 2x week, and I try to go at least 2 more times per week. Sometimes I hit that goal, sometimes I miss it, but I am getting more consistent. I’ve seen a great deal of improvement in my stats this year. I do not remember what I started at, but I do know how I’m finishing the year (this is why it’s important to write things down!):

    • Bench press went from ~105 -> 205 lbs (this is not something I even remotely imagined for myself, but here I am!)
    • Squat went from ~125 -> 285 lbs
    • Deadlift went from ~135 -> 365 lbs

Those are the big lifts, but I improved on other accessory lifts as well. I have found it helpful to have someone to work out with. Going to the gym alone hasn’t resulted in very lasting change in the past, but having someone else there to hold me accountable has made all the difference. One of my goals for the future (next year, and beyond) is to continue to build fitness and strength training into my life so that it becomes more automatic.

Additionally, I had a procedure done at the end of the year that has improved my clarity of thinking and reduced a brain fog that I have struggled with for a long time: MeRT. MeRT stands for Magnetic Resonance Therapy, and is a form of rTMS (repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) that has been shown to help when certain unusual EEG (electro-encephalogram) patterns are present. After having in EEG performed in November, a potential cause of some of that brain fog was revealed and a treatment plan drawn up. That treatment has turned out to be very helpful in my job and social life, and I can think more clearly and speak more expressively than before the treatment.

That clearer thinking is a large part of why I decided to start a blog and an online journal, actually. It hadn’t really occurred to me before to share my thoughts with others, about anything really, but now I feel like I actually have some things to say. I may feel a little uneasy about putting myself out there, but I’m not shying away from that uneasiness and am committed on integrating feedback from others to improve myself.

I mentioned in my last post about wanting to improve my writing, and an important step beyond just practice is getting feedback. In addition to just writing more down so I can remember more of my life, I want to reach a point where I can write in a way that is compelling enough for others to want to read.

Goals for 2024

  • Attend my first powerlifing meet. I plan on signing up for the Rocky Mountain State Games in July when that opens up, and participating in the powerlifting event
  • Fly more rockets. I think I only had 3 flights in 2023, but I have a lot of motors and rockets to fly even without needing to buy anything else!
  • Attend the gym more consistently. I already do at least 2x week, but want to go 4x week. Committing to a competition will help with that.
  • Blog at least 1x week.
  • Read more books. Not in an electronic format, either, but good ol' paper and ink. 1 book per month.
  • Go outside more. My wife and I have season ski passes to Monarch Mountain here in Colorado, and we have a goal to go at least 2x month. Summer plans are TBD, but I will update when they become clearer.
  • Keep a cleaner house. Our house isn’t really messy, but it can be cluttered at times (especially my hobby room!). I will keep my rooms cleaner.
  • Keep the cars clean.

These are good baseline goals for 2024. That’s 8 by my count, and they tie into each other which will help make them more achievable.

Here’s to a great 2024!!